Friday, August 8, 2008

Darren and Claire cleaned their rooms today! Note all the little decorative touches from Darren:

the bears nesting on the windowsill . . .

books on display next to his favorite folded blankies . . .

there's my old trophy . . .

they even made their beds!
I wish our house always looked this nice, but it's certainly a start. I'm so proud of them!


Lisa M said...

Their rooms are very cute.

karin said...

I love when my boys help clean up. It isn't perfect but at least they are learning that it doesn't happen on its own.
I love the trophy.

Alyssa said...

So cute, especially the decorative touches by Darren! :)

mistyp said...

Lucky you! I wish my kids had a room to clean up though. We're still living with my parents.