Friday, July 9, 2010

Swimming Lessons

Every summer that we've lived here, I've either been pregnant or had a newborn baby, so we haven't taken much advantage of the pools. This summer, it was time for everyone to learn how to swim so that we could go more often. Miles is the youngest in his class, so he's not quite coordinated enough to do everything the teacher asks him to do, but she makes him go under water every time he jumps to her. Claire did great. She doesn't like to put her face in the water, but she can swim several feet by herself and isn't afraid of the water any more. Darren LOVED swimming lessons and learned lots of new strokes. On the first day of class, none of the other kids wanted to get in the water because it was cold. Darren tricked them by doing a cannon ball, and telling them that the water felt great. As soon as everyone else did their cannon balls, he jumped right back out!
The kids' favorite part of lessons was going down the slides on the last day. Now that Darren and Claire can swim, they can go down the slides by themselves!

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