Friday, July 9, 2010

Fun Fridays

Each week this summer that the kids completed their chores every day, we had "Fun Friday". They would pick an activity out of an envelope on Sunday night, and then we would look forward to it all week long! They did such a great job with their chores, and it was fun to do some new things together. Here are some of the fun things we did (unfortunately, I didn't always bring my camera with us!)

Week 1: Train Ride and Picnic (mine and Miles' favorite activity!)
Week 2: Lunch at McDonald's with friends
Week 3: Cabella's
Week 4: Swimming at Crawford Farms and prizes from the Dollar Store
(plus Grandma came to visit!) Claire got her first makeup set :)

Week 5: Swimming and dinner at Chick-Fil-A
(it was Cow Appreciation Day, so we all got free food for dressing up like cows!)

Week 6: Let's Jump and Cake Decorating. My wonderful visiting teacher had us over and helped me make this cake and let the kids decorate cupcakes. (Miles licked the side of the cake, and it cracked before I was able to take a picture!) We made the cake for Jerry since he always has to miss out on our fun Fridays. We loved Let's Jump, too!

Week 7: Splash Pad

Week 8: "Shrek: The Final Chapter" - I braved a movie with all four kids at the dollar theater. Michelle Dupre and her girls met us there. The kids did great!

All in all, we had a great summer and are looking forward to many more
Fun Fridays!!!

1 comment:

jenhatch said...

what a great idea to reward them for their chores in that way. Perfect because you can hold "Fun Friday's" over their head all week!