Friday, July 9, 2010

Happy Nine!

Jerry spoiled me this year for our anniversary! First, he took me shopping, then out to dinner, then to see "Eclipse". Eclipse was the perfect romantic movie. Apparently, other people thought so too, because there were several parts where everyone clapped. It was kind of funny, because we were expecting the movie to be totally crowded because it was opening weekend. We ordered our tickets online and skipped the Cheesecake Factory because we didn't think we had time to eat there and get to the movies early enough to get a good seat. It wasn't busy at all because of the fireworks show and live music right next to the theater. We caught the last part at the end of the movie. As you can see, we still have fireworks! I love you so much, honey! Thanks for nine wonderful years, Jerry, and thanks, mom, for babysitting!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Happy Anniversary, you two are a cute couple!