1. Always, always make sure everyone has shoes before leaving (and keep a spare pair in the car!!!!!) My first outing with all four kids was to the library for story time. Darren forgot his shoes. Luckily, Claire offered to let him wear her pink flip flops because she had also brought her princess shoes. I don't know who I felt sorrier for - Claire's dress-up shoes are now at least two sizes too small for her, but she insisted on wearing them anyway!
2. Plan twice as much time for a family activity. For example, we had a movie night on Sunday. We had to stop the movie twice to change bad/leaky diapers, once for an emergency bath, once to start a load of laundry, once to stop a bloody nose, once to find gas relief medicine, and several times to get drinks and snacks!
3. Life isn't fair. Claire has discovered this recently. Life hit an all-time low for her when she realized that Samantha gets to keep her eyes open during the prayer but she doesn't, and on top of that, she never gets to have pretend birthday parties but Darren does!!! umm, Claire? seriously?!
4. I hate to admit this, but despite all the craziness, I'm loving it! I have the best husband and family a girl could ask for.
Glad to see you are surviving! I have been wondering how things have been going for you over there. That is really funny about Claire's concerns. When can I help watch kids?
Samantha is BEAUTIFUL! She already has such a strong resemblance to your other kids. The story about Claire cracks me up!
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