Tuesday, May 13, 2008


. . . with a special thanks this week going out to Miles, who is still drinking my milk (and FINALLY figured out how to hold his own bottle!!!)

My prize for reaching some weight-loss goals - aren't they cute?!!! (Can't walk in them, though!) Claire went crazy when she saw them, so I am keeping them hidden so that she won't try to wear them.


Unknown said...

Those shoes are completely crazy cool! I hope you figure out how to walk in them, you'll be smokin' You go girl!

karen said...

Digging the shoes. L.O.V.E. animal print. Just ordered myself some new animal print summer shoes today online that look LOTS like that (but not as dressy). luv em.
And congrats on your weight loss goals! Slow and steady wins the race.

Sharee said...

CONGRATS - I have to admit that I am extremely jealous of your weight and your shoes!

Stamp With Linz said...

Meow! Congrats! Love those shoes! Glad things are going well for you, hun!

J & M Shumate Family said...

Seriously cute shoes!! I hope to someday reach 125.4 again...in my dreams!! I've only gained 16 lbs so far with my pregnancy. I swear I go up and down my stairs a million times a day. That is how I burn all my calories!