Friday, August 10, 2007

Miles Brought Me Smiles!

Here is Miles, already two weeks old! I took him to the doctor today, and he has gained exactly one pound and grown 1 inch. Wow! The last couple weeks have been somewhat of a fog. I'm so grateful to my mom who has stayed an extra week so that I can continue to get rest during the day.

I feel the need to express my extreme gratitude for the sweet little blessing that Miles has been. I battled severe depression for much of this pregnancy. I was able to see a counselor several times, who was a great help. I remember telling her a couple of months ago, that I honestly dreaded the day Miles was born, because I didn't know how I could possibly handle the added stress of another child. Jerry and I had followed the promptings we felt that it was time to have another baby, so I didn't understand why Heavenly Father would send this baby to a mother who was such a wreck and having a hard enough time with the children I already had! Perhaps I just needed to slow down, and enjoy my family more - and having a baby certainly helps you slow down. Anyway, I'm not sure what has changed, but I know I feel different now, and I'm so grateful for the love that I feel for Miles (and Darren and Claire)! I know that our Heavenly Father knows us well, and knows of our needs and concerns and will take care of us if we let him. Miles has been the blessing that I needed!


Stamp With Linz said...

Parenthood is so hard! I'm glad things are better (those hormones can really get ya!) Best wishes to a new start! All my love- LB

The Nielsens said...


I have tears. I am so grateful for a Heavenly Father who loves us. How much he must love us!!! It is also apparent how much you love him. Miles, Darren and Claire are fortunate to have you as their Mother. I am lucky to have you as a friend.

mistyp said...

I know what you mean in lots of ways! Lately I just tell myself to be grateful for the good things I have. It could always be health problems, etc. I have a friend who just had a baby and is fighting breast cancer. Heavenly Father does know what we need and how much we can handle. Hope things continue to go well for you! He's a CUTE baby!

JanelWarner said...

My girls really test me. I think the same thing. We are excited about have more kids but I think how am I going to do it. You have given me hope. I get so stressed when they fight all day. Amanda starts school tomorrow, I think it will be a lot better. I am gald your doing well. Love you

Anonymous said...

Yeah. I found your blog again. I'm so glad that you feel this way. I have had counseling in the past as well and it is a powerful healer. Children demand so much of us that it becomes even more important to take care of ourselves. Miles is adorable as all your kiddos are!

J & M Shumate Family said...

Michalann, I love this post! You truly are one super girl...very talented and one AMAZING mother. I miss you and your sweet kids. HUGS from CO!!!