Thursday, June 14, 2007

Claire's Hair

Claire has the most beautiful, thick, straight hair. Although she doesn't get it from me or my side of the family, I am a little vain about it. So, when I walked into Darren's room the other day and saw long tufts of light brown hair all over the floor, I started to freak out just a little bit. After finding Claire, I was relieved to find out that it wasn't as bad as it looked. Darren had simply cut off the "Deb" side ponytail and one other small patch. We decided to take her in and have it trimmed a little and have Darren's layers blended in. I asked the girl who was cutting it to taper it around her face and trim a couple inches off. She ended up having it cut about 4-5 inches. I think she's just as cute with her new do, but I feel compelled to grow it out again so that my hair and I can continue living vicariously through her!

1 comment:

The Nielsens said...

Claire does have the most beautiful hair EVER!!!!