Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Miles' First Day of School

FINALLY!!!!! Miles was soo excited to start school, and has loved it ever since!!! I neglected to mention these things on Miles' birthday, so here are a few special things about him:

Miles has always been a great imitator and is very good at doing many of the tasks we do, like fixing cereal or making a sandwich for himself. He has been getting himself dressed since he was two. He is a great helper. Whenever I vacuum, he gets out his vacuum and follows me, and when Jerry mows, he mows. He is even pretty good and giving himself a bath and washing his hair. He is so pleasant most of the time, and almost always does what I ask him to do. He LOVES treats. He is a great climber/jumper/scooter rider, too. He can coast a long ways without having to put a foot down. He takes care of business. One day all of the kids were screaming hysterically. I walked in to find Darren and Claire cowering in a corner because there was a big spider. Miles had already gotten the broom and was ready to smash it! Just the other day, he pulled his friend, Preston, in a wagon all the way from the Crawford Farms park to Preston's house!

After watching Darren and Claire go to school for several years now, Miles has been soo excited to finally get to go himself! All summer long, whenever we would drive by his school, he would yell out, "There's my school! There's my playground!" Darren and Claire thought it was really funny to tell him that it wasn't his school, and Miles would get so mad and yell, "I ARE going to school!!!!!" I will miss Miles, but I know he will be having a great time!!!

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