Saturday, May 9, 2009

Cowboy Darren

This was taken at a birthday party for our neighbor's five year old. They had barn animals and a pony to ride. Darren said it was the best party he's been too! He has also had a lot of fun playing T-Ball lately. He is a lot faster this year. He is also about as good as Jerry at "Bop-It" and would play video games all day if I let him. Darren is learning to read quickly. He has a pet fish named Jack, and about 20 pet rolly-pollies. Darren has a very sensitive side and hates to think about any bug or animal getting hurt. He has been such a good help to me these last couple months. I appreciate his sweet prayers each day that my back will feel better. We are so grateful for him! He has a great sense of humor, and is a great big brother and son.

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