Saturday, May 9, 2009

All about Claire!

What can I say about Claire? She is as sweet and cute as ever and really good at playing with Miles and helping me. She also sounds like a teenager when she asks me why she can't have more shoes, headbands, jewelry, clothes or as many barbies as her friends, or go places that ALL her friends are going! She is going to a handful in a few years. Her favorite items of clothing are a green cardigan, white or brown leggings (with nothing over them,) or pink sweatpants, and her new Little Mermaid swimsuit. She seriously tries to wear these with everything, everywhere! She still likes all of her dress up shoes but has worn out several pairs and is outgrowing the rest. Just like the stepsisters in Cinderella, she is determined to "make them fit!" Her very favorite song is "When Grandpa Comes," and we sing it at least once a week for family home evening. Even though Claire is already becoming very aware of what other people think about her, which brings out her shyness, I hope she knows how special we think she is!

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