Monday, October 13, 2008


Well, not for us, really, but thanks to having had three children already, I have quite the belly at 9 1/2 weeks. (Nice. ) So I thought I would just tell everyone and avoid speculation!

In other news, we had a wonderful weekend visiting with Jerry's sister, Christina, from Florida, and our niece, Sydnee, who is from Utah. They both went back to Utah today. One fun place that we went to was "Babe's Chicken House" in Roanoke. They serve either Chicken-Fried Steak, or Fried Chicken, with mashed potatoes, gravy, biscuits, corn and salad. Very southern, and very yummy. Besides that, we planted some flowers, went to the park and the mall and watched movies. We love them, and we are thankful that we could spend some time with them!

(Seriously, why does my hair look messy in every picture? Maybe I should check the mirror first!)


Unknown said...

WOW! COngrads!! that is so exciting! #4 on the way! so fun! I am so excited for you!

Alyssa said...

Congrats!!! That's very exciting. When are you due? I hope you've been feeling well with the 1st trimester!

Lisa M said...

Congratulations!! The kids were great today, let me know if you need it again!

karin said...

How exciting! I hope you a feeling good.
Visitors are fun. I LOVE Babe's. The atmosphere is awesome. And I LOVE their rolls.

Rachel White said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! I can't believe you are having another baby already -- you are amazing! I guess you might meet Jerry's schedule of 6 by 30 yet!

Susan said...

Congratulations! I couldn't even tell.

Brooke said...

Congratulations! Very exciting news! Four is really easier than they say. You're already used to having your hands full with three...what's one more, right? Good luck with the first trimester! Hope you are feeling good. So happy for you guys!

J & M Shumate Family said...

Congrats!!! Chasing 4 kids around should keep you skinny for good!

karen said...

hey crazy! Four is a nice round number, and four vs. three really doesn't kick your butt any more than it's already being kicked with three. Those are my profound thoughts on the matter. Congrats!

Kira Thunell said...

Congrats! How exciting for yall!! Hope all is well :)

Laura said...

Yeah! Congratulations! What a nice surprise :)

Carrie said...

Congrats to you and your fam! How very exciting.
By the way, I love Miles in both of those pictures. He is such a cutie.

And um, hello!?! You don't have a tummy yet. You look fantastic! In fact I was hoping you would be my "get rid of the baby fat coach" after I'm done with this pregnancy.

mistyp said...

Congrats! Such a cute little family you have!