Monday, January 14, 2008


I read in a magazine today that blogging about weight-loss can help you lose more. Although I have lost 42 lbs. since having Miles, I want to lose the additional 25 that I didn't lose after having Claire. So, there it is. Now you know. I weigh 139 pounds right now. I'm already feeling the motivation! The plan for this week is to make sure that I exercise at least a few minutes every day, and cut back on snacks after the kids go to bed. And hopefully next week, I'll have something good to report. Anyone feeling brave and want to join me?

on another note, Darren can count all the way to twenty-ten! (. . . twenty-eight, twenty-nine, twenty-ten!)


Watts Family said...

I'm impressed you've lost so much weight already! I would be interested because I need to lose some baby weight too, but I'm not brave enough to blog about it.

I can't seem to find your email address so if you want to email me at ndenaew at we can discuss further. :)

Anonymous said...

Michalan, i'll join you too. You've already lost 42 pounds?!! Way to go! I've been going the opposite direction since Thomas was born ... up and up. Yikes!!! Not good. Please email me if you get this.

Shauna Crandall

Anonymous said...

It's posts as Misty Pankratz because I sign in on her account. So sorry!!!
