Sunday, December 12, 2010

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

I pulled the Santa card the other day when the kids were being really rotten, and reminded them that Santa only comes to kids who are being nice to each other! Well, I'm not sure how effective it was, because later in the day, I heard Claire giving this explanation to Miles:

Claire: "Miles, Santa has a list about you, and after you do a hundred bad things, he doesn't bring you any presents. Just a rock." (I like how they get to do a hundred bad things before anything happens.)

Miles: "Ohh."

Claire: "But don't worry, you'll still get presents from Grandma and Grandpa, Grandma and Grandpa Collingwood, mommy and daddy, and Uncle Taylor, Aunt Christy, Uncle Ellis, Uncle Paul, and Uncle Jon and everybody else.

Miles: "Okay."


Tiffany said...

That is too funny!

John Henderson said...

Hi guys!
This is your old painters! We are hoping to get that new picture to put with the others you have sent! Even if you email it to us! Hope all is well with you guys. The kids have grown so much. We still have great memories of you all.

John and Val
H&H Painting