Sunday, August 30, 2009

Teacher's Pet

Meet Brother Hamman, Claire's CTR 6 Primary Teacher. It seems Claire has a little crush on him. As soon as we get to church, she starts looking around for him to make sure he is there. One day he stopped by our house to drop something off and it immediately became show-and-tell. Dustin (Bro. Hamman) had his dog in the car, and asked the kids if they wanted to see it. Then he said, joking, "You'd better watch out - she'll lick you to death!" I thought to myself, this is going to be interesting. Because, you see, Claire is absolutely TERRIFIED of dogs. One time she admitted to me that what she hates the most about dogs is that they lick and slobber all over you. The little dog jumped out of the car and immediately started running around and chasing Claire. But did she scream hysterically and cling to me like she does every other time? No! Instead, she let it chase her with only a few nervous giggles - I could tell she wanted to impress. As soon as Dustin caught his dog and left, I gave Claire a big hug and noticed that she was shaking all over. Ahh, the things we do for love!


jenhatch said...

that's so funny and too cute! isn't it funny how some of that just comes with them!? Ava does some funny stuff around her crushes too. Totally makes me laugh!

mistyp said...

What a great post! She's a cutie!

Laura said...

I think this post is hilarious because Zack LOVES the Hamann's too. I'm impressed she did that about their dog though!