Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sick Sammi

It turns out that Sammi had Rotavirus! This is not something that the doctors give antibiotics for, but the danger is dehydration. We were so worried about her! She was not eating or drinking and had lots of diarrhea and was throwing up. I was trying to come up with an activity to pacify the kids since we were cooped up for spring break, so I told them we could get some treats and watch a movie. While we were at Kroger, Sammi threw up! As I was bending down trying to wipe it up, she threw up again - this time in my hair! Unfortunately, we hadn't gotten the treats yet - so to avoid the wrath of Claire and everyone else, we hurried around the store and got the rest of our stuff, trying to avoid anyone who had seen Sammi throw up! I can only imagine what people were thinking! Sammi just wanted to sleep and cuddle the whole time, so we decided to straighten her hair and see how long it is. I started getting really worried after a couple days, and ended up waking up every hour throughout the night to make her sip some water. She wouldn't eat or drink anything else. One time, my youngest brother, Paul, was hospitalized for dehydration, so I was that much more paranoid. I almost took her to the emergency room in the middle of the night, but Jerry thought she would be okay until the morning. When I took her to the doctor the next morning, and he said she was going to be okay! Our prayers were answered! We were able to go to Grandma and Grandpa's house for the rest of spring break, much to everyone's relief.

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