Thursday, July 22, 2010

Happy Father's Day

This year for Father's Day, we made a really cool photo book for Jerry. We loved him so much! He is the best dad, ever! I love how he is not to cool to do silly things, and I love that he is always willing to help me out with whatever, including diapers and baths. He is the best!!!

Here is what the kids had to say in their cards this year:

My favorite thing to do with my dad is: play checkers (Darren)
swim in the deep with him (Claire)

At work, my dad: engineers (Darren)
helps put parts on an airplane (Claire)

If I could get my dad a present, it would be: a new watch (Darren)

How old is your dad? 37 (Darren) 27 (Claire)

My dad likes to: play chess (Darren)
play play dough with me (Claire)

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