Sunday, January 31, 2010

We are thankful for our family!

Everyone in my family was able to come home for Thanksgiving this year! My sister, Christy, stayed for a week after Thanksgiving with her two boys, Tommy and Joey. Darren and Claire had to go home for school, but I stayed at my parent's house with Samantha and Miles while she was here. Miles had so much fun playing with his cousins. Three boys under three was quite a handful! One funny incident happened while my mom was teaching a piano lesson. One of the boys dumped out an entire can of white paint and we didn't notice until we saw little white footprints everywhere. What a nightmare! Luckily, most of it was on the wood floor so it wiped up pretty easily even though we couldn't find any paper towels!

Miles and Joey
Miles and Tommy

Top L-R: Paul, Taylor, Tommy, Jon, Christy, Joey, Michalann, Jerry, Samantha
Bottom: Ellis, Miles, Grandpa, Grandma, Claire, and Darren

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